What to Do If You’re a Passenger in a Motorcycle Crash: A Step-by-Step Guide
They say there is nothing like the freedom of riding a motorcycle, and for many that means riding as a passenger while someone else is driving. What could beat riding a motorcycle along the edge of Tampa Bay or the Gulf of Mexico and watching the sun set? However, motorcycle accidents can happen unexpectedly, and… read more
Is a Motorcyclist Without a Helmet Liable in an Accident?
Motorcycle accidents can have devastating consequences for riders and there are often legal ramifications. Are drivers off the hook for hitting a motorcycle rider if they weren’t wearing a helmet? Can the absence of a helmet lead to increased liability for the rider? In this article, our Tampa motorcycle accident lawyers address these critical questions… read more
What to Do After a Motorcycle Dooring Accident in Tampa, Florida
Being doored on a motorcycle is a dangerous accident that can have devastating consequences for a motorcyclist. Here’s what you should do if you’re doored while riding a motorcycle in Tampa, Florida. In our bustling city of Tampa, the roads are shared by various modes of transportation. Motorcycles provide a thrilling and efficient means of… read more
Why Wearing a Motorcycle Helmet is Important in Brandon, Florida
Riding a motorcycle offers a thrilling sense of freedom and adventure on the open road. However, prioritizing safety is paramount to protect yourself from potential accidents. At Vanguard Attorneys, a leading law firm specializing in motorcycle accidents in Brandon, we understand the critical role that wearing a motorcycle helmet plays in safeguarding your life. In… read more
8 Motorcycle Visibility Tips
Florida’s sunshine makes it a great place to ride motorcycles. However, because there are so many motorcyclists in our state, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that we also have the most motorcycle fatalities in the nation. Although motorcyclists account for only seven percent of Florida motorists, 19 percent of all fatal accidents… read more
Common Types of Motorcycle and Bicycle Accident Injuries
Motorcycle and bicycle accidents can involve abrupt collisions and potentially severe injuries to the rider. Even though motorcycles are faster and more powerful, a bicycle accident can be equally as devastating. A cyclist may crash or be struck by a motor vehicle while riding under 5 mph and can still sustain catastrophic, life-threatening injury. Wearing… read more